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10 Online Unix And Shell Books

Writing scripts in any programming language requires a comprehensive knowledge of that programming language. Keeping the issues that programmers may face while working on Unix or Shell, we are presenting an assorted list of books that can act as a ready reference for those working on these technologies. 

1. The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction – This book is written by William E. Shotts Jr. It carries you from the first terminal keystrokes right to writing complete programs in Bash. It helps you in acquiring skills in file navigation, environment configuration, command chaining, pattern matching with regular expressions, and a lot more. For further details you can visit -
The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction 

2. Unix KornShell Quick Reference - This is a precise guide to Korn Shell coming in a single compact handbook. It has a lot of examples for saving its users a lot of time. For further details you can visit -
Unix KornShell Quick Reference

3. Learn Vimscript the Hard Way (Steve Losh) – This book provides an introduction to Vimscript, the main programming language for customizing Vim. This allows you to tailor Vim into an editor to suit your own personal text editing requirements making the remainder of your time in Vim more efficient. For further details you can visit - 
Learn Vimscript the Hard Way (Steve Losh)

4. Gawk- Effective AWK Programming (Arnold D. Robbins) - This book provides an introduction to the awk programming language. It goes in detail in explaining the various features of the language and its syntax, and details the various GNU extensions. For further details you can visit – Gawk: Effective AWK Programming (Arnold D. Robbins)

5. GNU Bash Reference Manual (Chet Ramey and Brian Fox) - This book is the reference for GNU Bash, the standard GNU command-line interpreter. For further details you can visit –
GNU Bash Reference Manual (Chet Ramey and Brian Fox)

6. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (Mendel Cooper) - This book is a tutorial as well as a reference on shell scripting with Bash. It does not assume its reader to have prior knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction. For further details you can visit - Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (Mendel Cooper)

7. Bash Guide for Beginners (Machtelt Garrels) – This is a guide discussing concepts that are useful in day-to-day life of the serious Bash user. It does not assume previous knowledge of scripting or programming. For further details you can visit -Bash Guide for Beginners (Machtelt Garrels)

8. Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours (Veeraraghavan) - This book is focused on helping Unix and Linux users in getting maximum performance from their systems. It demonstrates how to gain control of their systems and work in an efficient manner by using the power of shell in resolving common problems. For further details you can visit -
Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours (Veeraraghavan)

9. O'Reilly® Learning the Korn Shell, 2nd Edition (Arnold Robbins) - This book demonstrates on how to use the Korn shell as a user interface as well as a programming environment. For further details you can visit - O'Reilly® Learning the Korn Shell, 2nd Edition (Arnold Robbins)

10. O'Reilly® sed & awk, 2nd Edition (Dale Dougherty, Arnold Robbins) – This book gives a description of two text processing programs that are mainstays of the UNIX programmer's toolbox. It covers features of sed and awk mandated by the POSIX standard. For further details you can visit- 
O'Reilly® sed & awk, 2nd Edition (Dale Dougherty, Arnold Robbins)

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